Tournament Information & Registration

Register below for the Fourth Annual Sarah James Fulcher Red Drum Fishing Tournament – Saturday, August 14th in Cedar Island, NC!

All participants and captains are welcome. Registration is for individual anglers. Registration prior to August 1, 2021 is $50. Your registration includes one t-shirt per angler, so be sure to select the correct t-shirt size! Kid’s registration (15 and under) is $40 and also includes a t-shirt! Online Registration closes on August 10, 2021, but Day-Of Registration will be available at the event.

The event will take place over the entire weekend – from Friday to Sunday, with live music and activities on Friday, and a pig-pickin, silent auction, live music, kids activities, and the tournament on Saturday (6-10PM).


This year, tickets for food donations will be $5/person. All proceeds from this event go towards building and promoting inclusive playsets in the community. We are taking extra precautions to ensure that everyone feels safe given the COVID Concerns. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available, as well as handwashing stations. Plenty of outdoor space is available for social distancing at the venue.

A ‘Captain’s Meeting’ will be held at 4PM on Saturday at the Main Stage. All anglers must come to receive the official tournament measuring tape and photo token ID. ‘Lines-In’ for the tournament is 6PM, but you can get a head start to your spot immediately after the Captain’s Meeting. Please practice social distancing. There will be multiple stations to pick up the tournament items, including a drive thru station in the parking lot of Bay Breeze.

Registration is not tax-deductible, but donations are! Sarah James Fulcher is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that builds a foundation of support for special needs children in the community.

Tournament Guidelines can be found here!

Online Tournament Registration IS CLOSED! Register the day of!


For all of you serious anglers, or those of you feeling lucky, there will be a Ramsey Family Calcutta Prize for the Sarah James Fulcher Fourth Annual Redfish Tournament. Entry for the Calcutta is $100. Every entry ($100) up to $5,000 will be matched by a donation to Sarah James Fulcher from the Ramsey family! Day-of sign up for the Ramsey Family Calcutta will be available!

The winnings are completely separate from the regular tournament’s prize, but all Calcutta participants are required to register for the fishing tournament. The prize is winner-take-all, based on the amount of entries. Prize to be announced the day of the Tournament! In 2020, the Calcutta prize was $26,300!


• 391 Anglers

• 95+ Boats

• $32,000 in Prize Money

See PHOTOS FROM 2020 here, 2019 here, and 2018 here.

Sponsorship and Donations

If you’re interested in sponsoring, see the sponsorship levels below! In 2020, the Tournament was able to bring in over $90,000! All of the available funds will go to developing opportunities for recreation for kids in the community with disabilities. For those of you who can’t attend the tournament for any reason, reach out to us and we will tell you how you can make a special donation! If you’d like to be a Bull Drum or Old Drum Sponsors and have your name on the Tournament Signage, donations must be received prior to Monday, August 2nd.

Sponsorship Levels:

Redfish Level Giving: Up to $199. Your name on the website!

Puppy Drum Level Giving: $200 to $749. T-Shirt , Coozie, and your name on the website!

Slot Drum Level Giving: $750 to $1,499. T-Shirt, Coozie, your name on sign at tournament and website.

Bull Drum Level Giving: $1,500+. Official Sponsorship of the Tournament. Your name as official sponsor on the tournament sign, as well as all the above.

Old Drum Level Giving: For Major Gifts, please contact Tournament Directors.

Please include your t-shirt size in the “Write Note” Section when donating via PayPal!

Sarah James Fulcher
8207-P Market St.
PO Box 10415
Wilmington, NC 28404

Fill out this Donation Form for mailed checks!


A list of sponsors of the 2021 Fourth Annual Sarah James Fulcher Tournament is below!

Screen Shot 2018-07-27 at 12.39.26 PM.png

Tournament SponsorS:

OLD DRUM Sponsors:


bull Drum:

Slot Drum:

Earps Seafood.jpg

Puppy Drum:


  • Kristina Lawrence

  • Jane Treon

  • Jason & Dee Rosen

  • Justin, Briane & Paisleigh Lewis

  • The Pomp Family

  • The Radcliff Family

  • Bob & Kathy Oslin

  • Michael Pollard

  • James & Violet Daniels

  • Sarah Jane Harrelson

  • David & Dana Whitley



T-Shirt Size
Angler’s Full Name
Angler’s Telephone Number


T-Shirt Size
Kid Angler’s Full Name
Kid Angler’s Phone Number

I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions